
Steve Rossdeutcher, CPA, President

Steve is a business professional with over 30 years of financial, accounting, consulting and tax experience. He has seven years of public accounting experience along with over 25 years of running his own business.

Steve has experience in a wide variety of industries with emphasis in Manufacturing and Construction. Areas that he has excelled in are:
• Monthly/Quarterly Accounting Assistance
• Financial Statement Trending Analysis
• Budget Preparation
• Bank Financing
• Business Acquisitions
• Sale of Businesses
• Tax Assistance

Steve’s experience goes beyond the typical accounting overview role. He has been running Rossdeutcher Consulting Inc. for over 25 years, has been involved in several other business ventures, has experience as a part time VP of Finance and has established a Not for Profit Corporation. This unique perspective allows Steve to understanding clients needs and concerns.

Steve has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign with an emphasis in Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant


Steve Rossdeutcher, CPA, President

Steve is a business professional with over 30 years of financial, accounting, consulting and tax experience. He has seven years of public accounting experience along with over 25 years of running his own business.

Steve has experience in a wide variety of industries with emphasis in Manufacturing and Construction. Areas that he has excelled in are:
• Monthly/Quarterly Accounting Assistance
• Financial Statement Trending Analysis
• Budget Preparation
• Bank Financing
• Business Acquisitions
• Sale of Businesses
• Tax Assistance

Steve’s experience goes beyond the typical accounting overview role. He has been running Rossdeutcher Consulting Inc. for over 25 years, has been involved in several other business ventures, has experience as a part time VP of Finance and has established a Not for Profit Corporation. This unique perspective allows Steve to understanding clients needs and concerns.

Steve has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign with an emphasis in Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant


Steve Rossdeutcher, CPA, President

Steve is a business professional with over 30 years of financial, accounting, consulting and tax experience. He has seven years of public accounting experience along with over 25 years of running his own business.

Steve has experience in a wide variety of industries with emphasis in Manufacturing and Construction. Areas that he has excelled in are:
• Monthly/Quarterly Accounting Assistance
• Financial Statement Trending Analysis
• Budget Preparation
• Bank Financing
• Business Acquisitions
• Sale of Businesses
• Tax Assistance

Steve’s experience goes beyond the typical accounting overview role. He has been running Rossdeutcher Consulting Inc. for over 25 years, has been involved in several other business ventures, has experience as a part time VP of Finance and has established a Not for Profit Corporation. This unique perspective allows Steve to understanding clients needs and concerns.

Steve has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign with an emphasis in Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant